Mrs. Fisher Cat herself has come all the way from Cloverleaf Corners to meet and greet the kids from 10:30 a.m. till noon at the Corte Madera Store, and from 1:oo p.m. till 2:30 at our San Francisco store. Bring your kids and we will take your picture with her and post it to our Flickr account later in the week so you can download a high-resolution image for free. And of course, feel free to bring your cameras as well.
As an added but of fun we will be giving away Calico Critter coloring pages, and if you buy any Calico Critter item you will receive a free gift!*
*While supplies last. Photo courtesy of Child's Play Portland.
Oh my! This is such a great event. If only I were somewhere near, I will surely attend. And I hope they will hold this kind of event every year. Many children will be happy to know and meet the Calico family in person.